What should I do if I forget my PIN/PUK Codes?

If your phone has a SIM card PIN enabled for accessing data on the SIM card, and you forget that pin for some reason or use the pin after a long time and can’t remember it or you change the PIN, but the new PIN is not in your mind and you continually enter it wrong, the SIM card may lock you out of further tries. You can use a personal unlock code, or PUK code, to reset the SIM card, which you can normally get from your phone provider.


Recovery of PIN code:

The default PIN code is 0000 unless you change it.

Because it is a secret code produced by you alone, the operator will not be able to transfer it to you if you have changed your PIN code but forgotten your new code.

You must then construct a fresh PIN code by repeatedly typing an incorrect PIN code.

After the third attempt, the SIM card will be automatically blocked. You must enter the PUK code to unblock it, which will allow a new PIN code to be generated.

Recovery of PUK code:

  • The PUK code can be obtained via a variety of contact and support sources, including:
  • Look at the card that your SIM card was originally attached to (if you have kept it safe)
  • The PUK code can be found on the card that your SIM card was originally attached to.

Contact Customer Service:

Customer Service can be reached at 123 24-hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week (toll-free)


What happens if the PUK code is incorrect?

If you enter your PUK code incorrectly 10 times, your SIM card will be permanently locked, and you will need to replace it.

Is it possible to find the PUK code on the SIM card?

The PUK code is an 8-digit number that can be found on the SIM or supplementary SIM package. The final four digits of your PUK code are your PIN code by default; however, if you have altered your PIN code, this no longer applies.

What happens if you enter your SIM PIN incorrectly three times?

Your SIM card will be locked if you enter the wrong SIM PIN three times, cutting off voice and data access. If you cannot recall your SIM PIN after a few tries, stop typing. If you fail 10 more input attempts, your SIM card will be permanently locked.

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